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Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Where do I begin?

Why, hello there. :)

Long time no post.

The kids are on the mend finally.

Mama is, too.

Last week I finally went to see my doctor after experiencing the hugest meltdown in my life. What with the kids being pretty much sick back to back since the Christmas holiday, Claire still no sleepy through the night, and then my sil needing daily rides to physical therapy or doctor appointments since being diagnosed with a "seizure disorder" was only time before I lost it.

And, boy, did I.

I am now seeing a therapist who is helping me get my life back in working order.

I've set a schedule that I can live with for my *taxi* services so that Claire is finally getting the naps she needs every day.

I have started getting out of the house and taking daily walks with the girlies.

Life is good.

I have to remind myself of that.


Missy said...

oh my sweet friend...I wish we lived closer....I am here for anything you may need- even just to vent!

Anonymous said...

Next week, the kids are on spring break. If the weather is still gorgeous, lets get together at a park and hangout. Call me, email me........miss you!

Katy said...

oh sweeite, I'm sorry it's so hard right now.
I'm praying for you... email if you need to vent, ok?
Poor thing.

TracieClaiborne said...

I have had times like that in my life. Just remember, this too will pass and like you said, you are very blessed. Sorry you're having a tough time!! 2007 has been rough on the both of us!

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